“Wasting your time is wasting you”

“Time does not discriminate”

“Understand your purpose”

“You can make yourself into any content you want”

“You can make yourself into the best”

“You can turn your business into a world renowned world”

“You can make yourself into the richest guy in your country”

“You can be the solution to any pressing problem in your field”

“One of the greatest things that can happen to you is loneliness”

“One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to be alone”

“The person that fights for every minute of his time will have to be lonely most times”

“Not until you separate yourself from time wasters and killers that you can effectively convert time”

“Your purpose in life is not what you decide”

“The more control you have over your time, the more you have to be channeled into whatever you want to become”