All Quotes By Tag: Happiness
“It’s payday every day of the week with Cosmic Ordering.”
“There are more triumphs than defeats with Cosmic Ordering.”
“Failure is a detour on the way to using Cosmic Ordering.”
“If there was no Cosmic Ordering then it would have been necessary to invent it.”
“With Cosmic Ordering you can keep your luxuries and ask for more.”
“Riches will come when you follow Cosmic Ordering.”
“Cosmic Ordering will never forsake you.”
“Anyone believing in Cosmic Ordering wants for nothing.”
“The universe is full of magical things to be manifested with Cosmic Ordering.”
“The law of sacrifice postulates that we need to give in order to receive … Cosmic Ordering says, receive before you give.”
“I am wealth, I am abundance, I am Cosmic Ordering.”
“Good thoughts can become reality with Cosmic Ordering.”
“Cosmic Ordering does not judge you.”
“With Cosmic Ordering life is a field of unlimited possibilities.”
“In a beautiful morning, walking barefoot to the work through the green fields with the company of the singing birds… and there you shall meet the real happiness!”