“And the stars blinked as they watched her carefully jealous of the way she shone.”

“Words will scratch more hearts than swords.”


“The beautiful thing about young love is the truth in our hearts that it will last forever.”

“True artcomes from flying with the madnessso close you burn your eyelashes.”

“Come, my darling,it is never too late to begin our love again.”

“There will alwaysa glimmer in thosewho have been through the dark.”

“She found herselfover a long and treacherous roadand the more treacherous the road became,the more of herselfshe found.”

“She walkedthrough her lifeheavyfrom themighty wingsupon her back.”

“Don’t ask her to be a rock for you to lean uponinstead, build her wingsand point her to the skyand she will teach you both to fly.”

“There’s something about her.It’s not her smile or grace,It’s not her beauty or race,It’s not her scent or warm embrace,Maybe it’s her laugh or the shape of her face.No, that’s not the case.It’s just her.”

“She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue. ”

“Adventure runs on all sorts of whiskey. ”

“She wore his love like a loaded gun. ”

“The prettiest girls shine brightest in the dark. ”