All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes-about-life
“You don’t need to learn how to climb a tree if you can fly.”
“Light conquers darkness with its eyes closed, but darkness cannot even face light with both its eyes open.”
“Where there is beauty within there is beauty without.”
“When I was young, I prayed to God for an angel and He replied, “I already gave you one: your mother.”
“Light cannot be conquered, not even by itself.”
“Life isn’t about the destination, it’s all about the journey.”
“Never let temporary darkness rob you of permanent light.”
“Your body inevitably withers, but your soul’s beauty never fades.”
“Before you hate pressure, remind yourself that is where diamonds are made.”
“Dirt is a seed’s palace.”
“If you have a candle, you can only see the world. If you have love, you can see the universe.”
“A diamond owes its existence to pressure.”
“If you try to bury a star in the dark, it will wink at you with its light.”
“Light is kinder than darkness.”
“The sky has many secrets, but only reveals them to the stars.”