“Tonight I saw Jesus with the eyes on my face. He looks half lion and half man. But not more like a lion and not more like a man, rather the same, I have never seen anything like the face of Jesus before, %100 one thing but %100 another thing: a lion man!” “Where did you see Him at?” “On the surface of my blanket as I lay in bed. He was suddenly drawn onto it, like a sketch, and that same moment I knew He was showing His face to me, finally.” “Why do you think He did that?” “I think He thought it was about time.”

“لا ينبغى أن نخجل من أمر فُرض علينا , مهما كان , ما دمنا لم نقترفه”

“ ‘Pity without rigor would be cowardly egotism, mere sentimentality.’ ”

“The mandarins of culture—what do they do to teach the common folk to read? It’s no good writing down lists of books for farmers and compiling five-foot shelves; you’ve got to go out and visit the people yourself—take the books to them, talk to the teachers and bully the editors of country newspapers and farm magazines and tell the children stories—and then little by little you begin to get good books circulating in the veins of the nation. It’s a great work, mind you!”

“Doing what I like to do, the way I like to do it … makes me happy.”

“Say you are at the brink of killing yourself and someone tries to talk you out of it. You’ve already thought about it and your life is not worth living. Someone else comes along and tries to convince you not to kill yourself. Is there someone out there that can convince you not to kill yourself? What can they possibly say to convince you that your life, the one you have firsthand knowledge of, is worth living? There is that one answer. No one! There is that other answer. Nothing!”

“Worth as I use it here is immeasurable, not as in mathematics towards infinity. But that it can not be measured. There are no measurable parameters for it! Certainly not a material-communal measurable parameter for it! Such, it is what the being holds that cannot and should never be traded. When it is there, every essence of your being knows it, and takes commands from it that will be able to override any personal or imposed sense of value.”

“The day we put an end to believing in hope will be the day we stop existing, for without hope, we are nothing.”

“Jesus knew that many of his listeners believed the old wineskin (or way of doing things) was good enough. They were comfortable with their beliefs and practices, but Jesus hadn’t come to patch up old religious traditions. He was offering a new garment, a new wineskin, a way of life that didn’t abolish the old ways, but fulfilled them.The teaching illuminated my own need to remain pliable before God. I realize that I must have a softer housing for my growing faith, one that can flex and change as God is at work inside of me. All too often I find myself clinging to that which is comfortable and familiar, rather than embracing the challenges that emerge with change and growth. Sometimes I shy away from people who have strong views that differ from mine, even though sharing a great conversation… could temper both our viewpoints and deepen our relationship. Why do I run away from strong opinions and potential conflict? Am I too comfortable and unwilling to change? Such a realization highlights the need for the Spirit in my life not just to discern and distinguish, but also to illuminate and invite me to move forward into the fullness of life with him.” -Scouting the Divine”

“The Yorubas have a saying, here, my translation in English–a poor fool is a bigger fool rich. In other words, money only allows and enables you to be more of who you are. My bigger translation? You don’t jump essence, you jump environs!”

“God can turn the impossibile into possibilities. Possibilities become opportunities. Opportunities leads us one step closer to our dreams!”

“Freedom is in the Now”

“We’ve all received our share of good fortune, so that’s my definition of much. A single blessing is all the bounty in the world, and if you’ve been blessed at all you’re meant to pass some of that on. You’re meant to set a positive example. That’s our responsibility” (20) – Denzel Washington, “So that We Might Follow”

“He won’t listen to the music, and I can’t turn it off.”

“In-existence, the soul’s greatest imposition is its perfection. It is projected as a perfected form of the physical embodiment, an emblem of things, perhaps hyperreal and untouchably perfect as existence. It can not be! The soul in-existence is nothing of perfection. It is raw potential. The soul is nothing but potential. To be specific, the soul is unordered potential!”