All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“I can do nothing without His help. Oh, Lord, what ignorance thinking everything was wealth.”
“The choices one makes, not one’s blood, determine one’s destiny – John Steinbeck”
“You never leave your partner! Especially in a fire!”
“The best way to solve a problem is to prevent it.”
“But men and women are different in the way that they feel loved. Men like to be admired for what they do, for their integrity and their accomplishments, whether it’s at work or at the gym or mowing the lawn, because it makes them feel manly. When a woman tells a man that she is proud of him, or she tells him that he did a good job, he’ll about bend over backwards to take care of her and love her.” “But women like attention from men, because it makes them feel feminine and adored. That’s why they’re always fixin’ themselves up, doing their hair, wearing pretty clothes and makeup and jewelry and perfume. It’s all to attract your attention, you know.” (Thelma Jenkins)”
“The world should have been in Technicolour, but seemed more like black and white.”
“Too many people are missing their destiny a year at a time because they’re too scared to think in decades!” (p. 127)”
“Do not presume that richness or poorness will bring you happiness.”
“Always set small, realistic goals that you know you can achieve first. But don’t give up on the bigger ones that may seem too far from your reach.”
“Dining with the King; your attire, attitude and mentality must change.”
“Kein Schiff trägt uns besser in ferne Länder, als ein Buch.”
“Make your lives a masterpiece, you only get one canvas.”
“Above all, never think you’re not good enough. Never think that. In life people will take you at your own reckoning.”
“Apabila dalam diri seseorang masih ada rasa malu dan takut untuk berbuat suatu kebaikan, maka jaminan bagi orang tersebut adalah tidak akan bertemunya ia dengan kemajuan selangkah pun”