“The two toughest lessons to learn In life are “LET GO” & “LETs GO..!”

“Let All Your Life’s Experiences Lead To More Writing & Encourage More Reading..!”

“The Glory Is Always Hidden Between The Lines Of the Story”

“Have a GOAL to keep the following 5-‘H’ OUT of your lifeH – HarassH – HamperH – HurtH – HarmH – HinderTo Ensure H=Happiness Prevails forever!”

“IT’s All In The Game Of Mind.”

“The wisdom of LIFE eludes even the best…For those who pass the test Life is a fest,While, its forever, A battle for the rest..”

“A whetstone, though it cannot cut, may sharpen a knife that will.”

“Travel Moulds A Man,People Mould His Wisdom And Experiences Mould His LIFE…!”

“A sense of the divine presence and indwelling bears the soul towards heaven as upon the wings of eagles.”

“The challenge of life is regretless decision making, relentless pursuit of vision with faith, forgiving others, enduring pain with a smile & achieving goals with an extra MILE”

“Leadership is all about caring, daring and sharing!Caring for people, Daring to Act fearlessly,& Sharing the success with all!”

“Patience Pays..Is true! But the greater truth is that it takes advance payment before it pays you in return!”

“A focused Mind is a result Of a little Effort To tell Your Distractions To sleep for A couple of hours While you are at WORK.”

“Once You keep Aside the Emotional side Of yours,Is when You stop using the phrase “This was a BAD PHASE” of life..”

“When you want something, he entire universe conspires to help you achieve it.”