“Time is too short in this one life, to be able to do everything, but it definitely is long enough at least to be able to develop the will to do anything & everything…”

“It Hurts…It Kills…It Teaches…It Thrills…“IT” Is LIFE…!”

“Nothing Comes Home…You Have To Get OUT & Get IT~!”

“Do not do what you cannot continue to deliver.For, remember, the world wants to see a continuity of delivery of set standards…!”

“Never fear Love’s absence in your life, because it already exists within you, in great abundance.”

“Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.”

“You know what’s just as powerful as a good cup of coffee in the morning? Starting your day with some good, loving thoughts. It can change how your whole day unfolds.”

“Policy-makers continue to discover that they cannot solve today’s problems with yesterday’s mindsets”

“Kenangi yang lalu, hadapi yang baru dengan penuh kesyukuran.”

“Life gave me lemons, then I met you and you had Vodka. Now my life is a party.”

“The Poetry of LoveWe see the world with the eyes of a small child.We visualize the beauty of the world with an unique magic sense,and unfold our deeper feelings and expectations diffusing the seizing negative forces that stretch out their threatening tentacles.We give blow and shape in our dreams.We seek for Love through unfamiliar new people and new experiences. Love is a vivid spirit, a big breath that touches upon each piece of our existence, our each cell…Love affiliates a lot of forms, exists and fits everywhere.Each flight of a small bird, the flutter of an incredible beauty butterfly, the stones wetted by waters of Aquamarine River, the branches of the trees that dally with the blow of wind, all these is the Spirit of Love.When you love in a genuine way, love everything.You are not bothered by the babble of Nature and the strange reactions of people.You hear the sounds of everyday routine with bigger consequence. Overtakes the meanness consequently and with courage.You seek truth in small things.You live the each moment as if it’s unique.Love for nature.Love for life.Love for people.”

“Enjoy every day and make each day great”

“Having the best doesn’t make you the best but producing the best makes you the best”

“If you want to change the world,learn to change yourself first.”

“Peace begins when expectations end.”