All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“Every Single Woman Have Their Own Talent And They Can Inspire The Whole World In Many Ways”
“A seed is happy when it becomes a root, a root is happy when it becomes a bud, a bud is happy when it becomes a stem, and a stem is happy when it becomes a flower.”
“The first impression is the last impression” Its false statement by an idiot.”
“You create magic in those moments of passion towards your work!”
“Unrelenting internal wars of a society destroys the fabric of unity, yeilding way to the dark veil of divisiveness.”
“The magnitude of pleasure can only be measured by the one that experiences it, and not by the prescriber.”
“When you speak and accept the truth, you edify to the wholeness of your self worth, because truth in itself, is a precious jewel that is sought after by many.”
“STATUS sometimes forcefully gained…..ButOne’s action only decides RESPECT if deserves”
“Who excuses himself is his own accuser. ..As far as I can see a slander never lives long…I am almost inclined to say that a man should never defend himself.”
“Truth circles our lips at the speed of sound, but circles the universe at the speed of light.”
“Most positive and negative actions begin with a single thought. So be careful which ones you choose to believe.”
“A tree is a seed that refused to die inside its shell.”
“Thank God For Every Day TGFED”
“One who conquers himself cannot be conquered by anyone.”
“A candle in your hand is better than a star in the sky.”