All Quotes By Tag: Intuitive
“Sometimes I sit here and there, seeking that moment of quietness, that moment of emotionless rejoicing in the fullness of nothingness. Sometimes I take for granted the intuitive knowledge of a past that I don’t conciously know too much about, and calmly internally rejoice in the finding of old souls who I cross paths with again and again, with a kind warm smile and joyful tired deep eyes that show me way much more than I could express in words, that give me that sense that I’m not travelling by myself, and that ignite that fire in my heart to feel the knowing of the unknowing. I know deep in your heart you know this too, and if I would have the time to reach into space to you, the light within me would whisper ‘I love you too’.”
“Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them.”