All Quotes By Tag: Light-quotes
“A star doesn’t need a lamp to find its way through the dark.”
“It is light’s beauty that reveals our ugly shadows.”
“Never let temporary darkness rob you of permanent light.”
“It is darkness that propels light to its prominence.”
“Friendship with ignorance is enmity with light.”
“Light rules the world. Love rules the universe.”
“Truth is better than falsehood. Light is stronger than darkness. Good is greater than evil.”
“Just as a candle is useless until you light it, so a man is useless until the fire inside his soul is lit.”
“Love is the only candle whose flame is eternally lit.”
“Be the light the world would follow.”
“A burning candle has nowhere to hide in the dark.”
“you can see light if you dont see darkness first(Marty Bisson Milo)”
“Light is only truly visible to one whose eyes are open.”
“A shadow cannot keep its secrets from light.”
“A candle in your room is brighter than ten thousand stars in the sky.”