“One step at a time. Baby steps are still steps. Crawl if you must, but keep moving forward. You will never be defeated as long as you keep moving.”

“Shoot for the stars, land on the moon? Don’t worry. You break the atmosphere either way.”

“Being overweight does not diminish your worth, but it takes a helluva toll on your sense of worth.”

“People who discipline themselves to get up and do things they don’t necessarily love or like doing, but do it regardless to succeed are people who will get the results and the success they are looking for.”

“Sometimes you’ve got to do things you dislike to get a life you’ll love to have. Sometimes you have to sacrifice joy and comfort in the present to get greater joy and comfort in the future.”

“No matter who you are or what you do, life is going to push you around. You just have to make it push you in the right direction.”

“People say they can do great things, but runners never become runners until they run, and you will never become whatever it is you wish to be, unless you do it by taking that first step.”

“Lace up those shoes, breathe deep, and get out there. You’ve got miracles to make happen today.”

“If you can’t run fast, run slow. If you can’t run slow, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. All that matters is that you don’t stop moving.”

“I spend my day in one of three fundamental positions: sitting down, laying down or standing up. And if I’m at all interested in making any progress in life, I might take a moment and consider the fact that two-thirds of these begin and end in the same place.”

“It is not how fast or how far, but how often you run that makes you a real runner.”

“Do what you have to do… before you do what you want to do.”

“The difference between ‘wanting’ something and ‘having’ something is ‘doing’ something.”

“We should be motivated to give our best”

“Being the first to start or leave does not necessarily mean that you will be the first to finish or arrive. Or that you will finish or arrive.”