“Unless you call attentionto your presencewho will know you’re there?Even a countryhas to weave and wave a flagas proof of its existence.”

“When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by; When the air does laugh with our merry wit, And the green hill laughs with the noise of it.”

“Art too is just a way of living.”

“from what we cannot hold the stars are made”

“I’m going to do something bigger and better,bigger and betterand bolder, but first,I’m going to do somethingsmaller and worse.”

“I’d spent way more years worrying about how to look like a poet — buying black clothes, smearing on scarlet lipstick, languidly draping myself over thrift-store furniture — than I had learning how to assemble words in some discernible order.”

“See it was like this when we waltz into this place.A couple of papish cats is doing an Aztec two-stepAnd I says Dad let’s cutbut then this dame comes up behind me see and says you and me could really existWow I says Only the next day she has bad teeth and really hates poetry.”

“You must be careful not to deprive the poem of its wild origin.”

“You are only as free as you think you are and freedom will always be as real as you believe it to be.”

“Only one thing remained reachable, close and secure amid all losses: language. Yes, language. In spite of everything, it remained secure against loss.”

“His lone breaths- everywhere to be with himHope survives one more day, losing all fearWith the cold night’s touch through shivered scheme,His new day reminds of another yearFrom the poem Sonnet For A Man (Part II)”

“I rhymeTo see myself, to set the darkness echoing.”

“A teacher will be frustrated if she is only motivated to teach what she has learned. Yet, if she is motivated because of the students, then she will learn from them how to teach.”

“For our generation walks as in Hades, without the divine.”

“I love women whose hidden desires make horses put an end to their lives at the threshold”