“I asked him for it.For the blood, for the rust,for the sin.I didn’t want the pearls other girls talked about,or the fine marble of palaces,or even the roses in the mouth of servants. I wanted pomegranates—I wanted darkness,I wanted him.So I grabbed my king and ran awayto a land of death,where I reigned and people whisperedthat I’d been dragged.I’ll tell you I’ve changed. I’ll tell you,the red on my lips isn’t wine.I hope you’ve heard of horns,but that isn’t half of it. Out of an entire kingdomhe kneels only to me, calls me Queen, calls me Mercy.Mama, Mama, I hope you get this.Know the bed is warm and our hearts are cold,know never have I been betterthan when I am here.Do not send flowers,we’ll throw them in the river.‘Flowers are for the dead’, ‘least that’s whatthe mortals say.I’ll come back when he bores me,but Mama,not today.”

“Variation on the Word SleepI would like to watch you sleeping,which may not happen.I would like to watch you,sleeping. I would like to sleepwith you, to enteryour sleep as its smooth dark waveslides over my head.and walk with you through that lucentwavering forest of bluegreen leaveswith its watery sun & three moonstowards the cave where you must descend,towards your worst fearI would like to give you the silverbranch, the small white flower, the oneword that will protect youfrom the grief at the centerof your dream, from the griefat the center. I would like to followyou up the long stairwayagain & becomethe boat that would row you backcarefully, a flamein two cupped handsto where your body liesbeside me, and you enterit as easily as breathing inI would like to be the airthat inhabits you for a momentonly. I would like to be that unnoticed& that necessary.”

“Don’t you know no one can escapethe power of creatures reaching outwith breath alone?”

“Rem tene, verba sequentur: grasp the subject, and the words will follow. This, I believe, is the opposite of what happens with poetry, which is more a case of verba tene, res sequenter: grasp the words, and the subject will follow.”

“THE WEATHER OF LOVELoveHas a way of wiltingOr blossomingAt the strangest,Most unpredictable hour.This is how love is,An uncontrollable beastIn the form of a flower.The sun does not always shine on it.Nor does the rain always pour on itNor should it always get beaten by a storm.Love does not always emit the sweetest scents,And sometimes it can sting with its thorns.Water it.Give it plenty of sunlight.Nurture it,And the flower of love willOutlive you.Neglect it or keep dissecting it,And its petals will quickly curl up and die.This is how love is,Perfection is a delusional vision.So love the person who loves youUnconditionally,And abandon the oneWho only loves youUnder favorableConditions.”

“We are all instruments pulling the bows across our own lungs. Windmills, still startling in every storm. Have you ever seen a newborn blinking at the light? I wanna do that every day. I wanna know what the kite called itself when it got away, when it escaped into the night…”

“Eros, again now, the loosener of limbs troubles me,Bittersweet, sly, uncontrollable creature….”

“Everything comes down so pasteurizedeverything comes down 16 degreesthey say your amplifier is too loudturn your amplifier downare we high all alone on our kneesmemory is just hips that swinglike a clockthe past projects fantastic scenestic/toc tic/toc tic/tocfuck the clock!”

“Come live with me and be my Love, And we will all the pleasures prove”

“I arise from dreams of thee,And a spirit in my feetHas led me- who knows how?To thy chamber-window, Sweet!”

“My face in thine eye, thine in mine appeares, And true plaine hearts doe in the faces rest, Where can we finde two better hemispheares Without sharpe North, without declining West? What ever dyes, was not mixt equally; If our two loves be one, or, thou and I Love so alike, that none doe slacken, none can die.”

“The first time I saw her,Everything in my head went quiet.”

“Had we but world enough and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime. We would sit down, and think which way To walk, and pass our long love’s day.”

“Nobody the dead man & Nobody the livingNobody is giving in & Nobody is givingNobody hears me but just Nobody caresNobody fears me but Nobody just staresNobody belongs to me & Nobody remainsNo Nobody knows nothingAll that remains are remains”

“Every beginning has an end and every end has a new beginning, don’t worry, broken soul, life will one day come to an end. ”