“She has told me everything,” Wen went on. “I know that time was made for men, not the other way around. I have learned how to shape it and bend it. I know how to make a moment last forever, because it already has. And I can teach these skills even to you, Clodpool. I have heard the heartbeat of the universe. I know the answers to many questions. Ask me.”The apprentice gave him a bleary look. It was too early in the morning for it to be early int he morning. That was hte only thing that he currently knew for sure.”Er…what does master want for breakfast?” he said.Wen looked down from their camp, and across the snowfields and purple mountains to the golden daylight creating the world, and mused upon certain aspects of humanity.”Ah,” he said. “One of the /difficult/ ones.”

“But of course, in one sense, Dean never died – his existence is superior to such accidents. One must have heroes, which is to say, one must create them. And they become real through our envy, our devotion. It is we who give them their majesty, their power, which ourselves could never possess. And in turn, they give some back. But they are mortal, these heroes, just as we are. They do not last forever. They fade. They vanish. They are surpassed, forgotten – one hears of them no more.”

“Intuition is the organ that senses when eternity breaks into time – when gold shines through the mud.”

“Start early to reach on time, because deciding to start just on time will be late, starting just on time will only guarantee some desperate efforts, but not the expected results, make sure your timing leaves you with some time in-hand to try again.”

“When it’s ‘Write Time’, it’s the right time!”

“You get to a point where even the bad time flies.”

“… acolo, de-a curmezișul golfului și printre dune, zăcea prietenia lui, păstrîndu-și întreaga vitalitate și realitate, asemenea cadavrului unui tînăr care ar fi rămas îngropat un secol în turbă, conservîndu-și roșeața proaspătă a buzelor.”

“My phone’s dead, and I have to find the microwave to read the time: 8:12. Only bad news comes this early.”

“Stop thinking in the box… it’s time to think out of the box.”

“The day she was going to tell her aunts about the boy she had met.She had come home, having forgotten it was her birthday. Time was both important and irrelevant in the woods; stars marked seasonal changes, the moon waxed and waned, the solstices were strictly observed… but normal days and weeks and months weren’t.”

“You were right, Barry…Every second was a gift.”

“Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.”

“Eternity takes forever. The infinite expanse of time just does not know when to quit.”

“Eternity is awful long time, especially towards the end.”

“It occurred to her, watching him move through the crowd, that time, in some ways, had nothing to do with how you thought of someone. And she did not know how that was possible because time was, she thought, how you defined yourself. It was what made you and what finished you as well.”