“Nothing is independent of time”

“You should understand the value of time and use it accordingly in a constructive manner so that you can be blessed with time”

“Time is a person’s most inflexible asset”

“Time runs only in the forward direction and it can never be regained”

“If we destroy our time, time also destroys us very badly”

“Time only gives one chance, if you lose it once, you can never get it back”

“Time has no beginning or ending”

“Time has no limitation and boundary and it moves continuously at its own pace”

“Break the mold, do whatever the hell you want within your abilities. Don’t overextend yourself to create a false appearance of wealth and success”

“Not money, Not skills, but Time is the biggest lever for massive wealth creation”

“Ravan had a lot of wealth, might and power to rule the world but can you call him a successful person?”

“The job of a dream is to set you free.”

“book collecting is only meaningful if it’s personal,” Oscar clarified. “If it’s just another way of accumulating wealth instead of for the books themselves it isn’t right. Collectors are trying to protect themselves. To separate themselves. It’s a hierarchy.”

“The pursuit of wealth grants no friends. Perhaps, it is a lesson too many strive to learn on their own. One day, I looked at myself in the mirror and found someone much older but with few valuable memories to show for the elapsed time. I was alone. I started drinking. I lost everything. They say that we are all just three steps away from homelessness. They are right. I lost anyone who ever cared for me. I lost my mind. And I lost my money.”“I’m sorry for your losses…” offered Shane genuinely.“Don’t be sorry, kid. I do not regret my homelessness. It has taught me some important lessons. Instead, I regret the approach and decisions I took when I had money. I take pleasure in the small things now. Time is on my side. I do not expect you to understand it, but my life is longer than it was ever before.”

“An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth.”