All Quotes By Tag: Ya
“I was the silent and ever present figure in your life…but you.” I kissed the back of her hand softly and closed my eyes. “You’ve always been the meaning of mine.”
“How dare you! What is your name? I shall make it a sin to be spoken.”The braveness of his chuckle and grin made me step back. “Garrett. My name is Garrett and please make my name a sin to speak. Maybe that way I won’t have people like you screaming out for people like me; for people like you are so ghastly and in need of saving too many times.” Lucy to Garrett from my Steampunk YA Romance book I have started.”
“Whatever hypnotizing charms I may have over boys, did not in fact work on three hundred pound girl elves. Not that I would ever try it again.”
“I was in love with him. I knew that much was true. Love was the swelling, hopeful feeling in my chest every time I saw him. Love was the way I could forget about everything when I was with him. Love was the catch in my breath when he looked at me in his intense way. Love was the gasp he could draw out of me with the simplest of touches. Love was the way I could… I could be myself around him, know that I didn’t need to be perfect or worry about what he was thinking, because he accepted me.”
“Why don’t you check out those teenagers in the middle row? They’ve been going at it like dogs in heat ever since the previews. They’re probably both werewolves. And even if they aren’t, you should throw them out on principle alone.”
“But as Ana pulled away on a west-bound highway with a werewolf riding shotgun and her thirst for blood calling yet again, she had this thought: Maybe a Misfit could never be normal, no matter how badly it wanted to.”
“GET IN” he says, getting in on the driver side. I get in with no questions. Okay. This is a bad movie waiting to happen-I’m getting in a car with a guy I just met today who is keeping secrets from me. What the hell is wrong with me? I’m too scared to speak or ask or run away, though. So I just get in and put on my seat belt. I am so stupid.”
“Why didn’t you let me die? You could have finally been free.””I gave up trying to imagine a world without you.” – Essallie & Kayden”
“It washed all over me and through me, into the floor and then it was gone. I never cried for my Da again after that, and God’s presence has been with me ever since.” – Adien MacRae, BETWEEN”
“Holy Bon Jovi, the queen of darkness actually had a soul.”
“I want to introduce myself to every freckle on your body.”
“You know the kind of smile I’m talkin’ about. That flirty, cute, bite-your-bottom lip ‘cause his smile is so stinkin’ perfect—that kind of smile.”
“So is this being in love? I stay with the moment, waiting to find out, the space between us fluctuating with uncertainty. The only thing I am sure of is that each time his lips leave mine they are right back again.”
“Hello, dinner. It’s me, I’m starving. And I know where you live.”
“Raven scowled through his too-long bangs. “The Angel Song doesn’t hurt humans. It only affects the evil within.” “Then you should be writhing on the ground with the hounds,” Mace mumbled.”