“The day he came home from the hospital, he cried. I held him. I thought he would never stop.I knew that a part of him would never be the same.They cracked more than his ribs.”

“What is this thing you call substance abuse? All I wanna do is forget and get loose.Drinking and smoking over and overWhat’s so great about a life that’s sober?There’s nothing cool about being youngWhen the monsters of night have stolen the sun.I’m tired of searching for words in the sky.All I wanna do is drink and die. Nothing is real. It’s all a big lie. All I wanna do is drink and die. There’s nothing cool about being youngWhen the monsters of night have stolen the sun.”

“Summertime. It was a song. It was a season. I wondered if that season would ever live inside of me.”

“Rafael?””Yeah?”„Do we all have monsters?”„Yes.”„Why does God give us so many monsters?”„You want to know my theory?”„Sure.”„I think it’s other people who give us monsters. Maybe God doesn’t have anything to do with it.”

“How could I have ever been ashamed of loving Dante Quintana?”

“I bet you could sometimes find all the mysteries of the universe in someone’s hand.”