“Science may have alleviated the miseries of disease and drudgery and provided an array of gadgetry for our entertainment and convenience, but it has left us in a world without wonder. Our sunsets have been reduced to wavelengths and frequencies. The complexities of the universe have been shredded into mathematical equations. Even our self-worth as human beings has been destroyed. Science proclaims that Planet Earth and its inhabitants are a meaningless speck in the grand scheme. A cosmic accident.”

“Наука і релігія – не конкуренти, це дві різні мови, які говорять про те саме. У світі є місце для них обох.”

“Історично склалося так, що найнебезпечніші люди світу – то люди Божі… особливо тоді, коли їхнім божествам щось загрожує.”

“Where do we come from? Where are we going? These fundamental questions of human existence have always obsessed me, and for years I’ve dreamed of finding the answers.” Edmond paused, his tone turning somber. “Tragically, on account of religious dogma, millions of people believe they already know the answers to these big questions. And because not every religion offers the same answers, entire cultures end up warring over whose answers are correct, and which version of God’s story is the One True Story.”

“It has always been this way. Death is followed by birth. To reach paradise, man must pass through inferno. – Bertrand Zobrist”

“The man now retrieved a linen cloth and stuffed it deep into Katherine’s mouth. “Death,” hewhispered to her, “should be a quiet thing.”

“Credința ne impunem să credem în ceva invizibil și inefabil, să acceptăm ca adevăr un lucru pentru care nu există dovezi empirice. Și astfel, ajungem să credem în lucruri diferite, deoarece nu există un adevăr universal.”

“ان الوحي الإلهي يعني أحياناً وبكل بساطة أن نضبط أذهاننا على نحو يخوّلنا سماع ماتعرفه قلوبنا”

“He respected the power of faith, the benevolence of churches, the strength religion gave so many people . . . and yet, for him, the one intellectual suspension of disbelief that was imperative if one were truly going to “believe” had always proved too big an obstacle for his academic mind. “I want to believe,” he heard himself say.”

“When his brain died, all of the memoriesheld in his gray matter, along with all of the knowledge he had acquired, would simply evaporatein a flood of chemical reactions.”

“The laws of physics is the canvas God laid down on which to paint his masterpiece”

“For centuries the church has stood by while science picked away at religion bit by bit. Debunking miracles. Training the mind to overcome the heart. Condemning religion as the opiate of the masses. They denounce God as a hallucination – a delusional crutch for those too weak to accept that life is meaningless. I could not stand by while science presumed to harness the power of God himself! Proof, you say? Yes, proof of science’s ignorance! What is wrong with the admission that something exists beyond our understanding? The day science substantiates God in a lab is the day people stop needing faith!”

“Forgiveness is God’s greatest gift”

“It seemed there was always a close correlation between true believers and high body counts.”

“Knowledge is power, and the right knowledge lets man perform miraculous, almost godlike tasks.”