Quotes By Author: Emily Dickinson
“Success is counted sweetestBy those who ne’er succeed.To comprehend a nectarRequire sorest need.Not one of all the purple hostWho took the flag to-dayCan tell the definition,So clear, of victory,As he, defeated, dying,On whose forbidden earThe distant strains of triumph Break, agonized and clear.”
“Let us strive together to part with time more reluctantly, to watch the pinions of the fleeting moment until they are dim in the distance, and the new-coming moment claims our attention.”
“The worm doth woo the mortal, death claims a living bride, Night unto day is married, morn unto eventide, Earth a merry damsel, and heaven a knight so true,And Earth is quite coquettish, and beseemeth in vain to sue.”
“I many times thought peace had come, When peace was far away; As wrecked men deem they sight the land At centre of the sea, And struggle slacker, but to prove, As hopelessly as I, How many the fictitious shores Before the harbor lie.”
“Presentiment is that long shadow on the lawnIndicative that suns go down;The notice to the startled grassThat darkness is about to pass.”
“I felt a Cleaving in my Mind—As if my Brain had split—I tried to match it—Seam by Seam—But could not make it fit.The thought behind, I strove to joinUnto the thought before—But Sequence ravelled out of SoundLike Balls—upon a Floor.”
“We never know we go,—when we are going We jest and shut the door; Fate following behind us bolts it, And we accost no more.”
“Is Bliss then, such Abyss,I must not put my foot amissFor fear I spoil my shoe? I’d rather suit my footThan save my Boot –For yet to buy another Pairis possible,At any store — But Bliss, is sold just once.The Patent lostNone buy it any more –”
“To see the Summer SkyIs Poetry, though never in a Book it lie—True Poems flee—”
“Sweet hours have perished here; This is a mighty room; Within its precincts hopes have played,— Now shadows in the tomb.”
“It’s a great thing to be “great,” Loo, and you and I might tug for a life, and never accomplish it, but no one can stop our looking on, and you know some cannot sing, but the orchard is full of birds, and we all can listen. What if we learn, ourselves, some day!”
“I held a jewel in my fingers And went to sleep. The day was warm, and winds were prosy; I said: “‘T will keep.”I woke and chid my honest fingers,—The gem was gone; And now an amethyst remembrance Is all I own.”
“This is the Hour of Lead – Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow – First – Chill – then Stupor – then the letting go –”
“Mine Enemy is growing old –I have at last Revenge –The Palate of the Hate departs –If any would avenge Let him be quick — the Viand flits –It is a faded Meat –Anger as soon as fed is dead –‘Tis starving makes it fat”
“The Soul selects her own Society—Then—shuts the Door—To her divine Majority—Present no more—Unmoved—she notes the Chariots—pausing—At her low Gate—Unmoved—an Emperor be kneelingUpon her Mat—I’ve known her—from an ample nation—Choose One—Then—close the Valves of her attention—Like Stone—”