“The first time I died, I didn’t see God. No light at the end of the tunnel. No haloed angels. No dead grandparents. To be fair, I probably wasn’t a solid shoo-in for Heaven. But, honestly, I kind of assumed I’d make the cut.”

“I think…I think its always been you who was dying,”- Delaney”

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” he said.I placed my hands flat on the table and leaned across it. “Stay the hell away from him.””Who? Oh, you mean the guy who’s gonna bite it soon?” “He’s not. He’s going to be fine.”He reached a hand out and placed it over my own. I snatched my hand back. He shook his head at me and whispered, “You can’t stop it.””Watch me.”

“My mother always wanted to live near the water,” she said. “She said it’s the one thing that brings us all together. That I can have my toe in the ocean off the coast of Maine, and a girl my age can have her toe in the ocean off the coast of Africa, and we would be touching. On opposite sides of the world.”