“I know none of Time’s cardinal pillar on which it says forever just because eternity is not Time anymore.”

“We pass through Time from birth in order to have from where to come, together with death.”

“Who knows the life which does not burn its own time moments?”

“Listen to the time as it can heal everything.”

“The belief in death leads meditating about life; meanwhile, the belief in life leads you thinking about death.”

“Search for the stranger inside you, forgotten even by your death.”

“Loneliness is the standard that separates life from death.”

“Who can be worried without the light of a memory?”

“What branch does not have its leaves and which twig will not have its flowers?”

“The only advantage of knowledge is that it can justify suffering.”

“The field of the soul must be watered by the rain with tears of love; otherwise it will become a desert.”

“Believe in the hope of your Life Illusion because this is the only real thing that you posses!”

“Don’t hope you will receive help from the words of life because they all bring you to death.”

“We hope that we will live only because we must be with God, as alive as He is.”

“Is the sunrise superior just because it goes before the sunset with a day and sunset goes before the sunrise with a night? Could there be day without night and sunrise without sunset, life without death?”