Quotes By Author: Zineb SKARABI
“We have a lot of opportunities in life but we don’t know how to gain it. Even sadness is an another opportunity to face a new beginning of our life. We need to be sad to know the value of happiness.”
“I was born alone and I will die alone. So Why I am crying when someone leaves Me. I lived as a child alone and I never had this pain. People come and go, they will never last forever. The only self that can stay with you is You.”
“We need to die hundreds of times to know the meaning of one life.”
“Life goes on, and people too. You don’t need to serve them to make people love you. We don’t need people in our life, we just use them. How many people in your past life, used you, used your mind, your energy, your time. Did you ever ask yourself about that?! They use us and we use them. Few are those who can’t use you, but usually, it’s very few. My message to the world, to every human being, to every child, woman, girl and a boy, to every religious man, to the atheists and all who are living in this earth: You are better when you focus on yourself, you are beautiful when you make yourself better, you are genius when you start to make the change on yourself, you are strong when you decide to fight alone. You are a human being when you stop thinking as an animal. You are and you’ll still as you are and if you didn’t change what you really are, don’t complain to nature or even to the universe Because the problem is you, you have all the solutions within you.”
“Redress your words when you don’t have them and make your words truthful when you speak.”
“Quelques fois, il faut citer ses camarades qui dépensaient leurs argents au lieu de les garder pour acheter un homme de valeur”
“Redresse la parole à qui s’adresse au bien”
“I no longer exist, while those who exist never did something to exist. I no longer exist because I was killed inside.”