Quotes By Author: reginald l. russell
“Oh how easily we forget those of insignificance”
“Failure is a functional component of success”
“Never overlook the “now” for an anticipation of the “morrow”, which may never arrive.”
“Life is a process of progression”
“Strongest drug in existence is love, even God is addicted to it.”
“Anything invested outside of God replaces him”
“As I rush and roar seeking to learn from he who taught me before my before. I realize that he cancelled my never for forever to bring me closer to the door.At his feet I speak, with my heart silenced by his magnificence , he allows me to peak at the marvelousness he created me to be. The embrace, the love, the laughter, the reception. Living in the world erased my memory of home, now there is no need for pockets; it’s all shalom!”