All Quotes By Tag: Easter
“And now brothers, I will ask you a terrible question, and God knows I ask it also of myself. Is the truth beyond all truths, beyond the stars, just this: that to live without him is the real death, that to die with him the only life?”
“The unbelievable is nothing more than my lack of faith in action. Easter is nothing less than God building my faith by putting the unbelievable into action.”
“If death is inevitable, who’s to say that there aren’t other things that are inevitable as well? A cross and an empty tomb say ‘yes’ and ‘yes’.”
“Easter recognizes that I am living in a prison of my own making, and that God is in the demolition business.”
“Life is so utterly enraptured with beginnings that it can do little else than perpetually create space for them. And those spaces are what we call endings.”
“Maybe every now and then I need something ‘unbelievable’ to happen to help make that which is ‘believable’ a place where I start, but not a place where I stop.”
“If I’m only looking at an ending, I’ll assume that an ending is all that there is. And without a doubt, that kind of assumption is the beginning of the end.”
“Despite how dark it might be, what is tonight but the precursor to tomorrow?”
“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”
“Jesus was born in a borrowed barn, he was buried in a borrowed tomb, and in-between it all he borrowed mankind’s sin with the intent of never returning it.”
“We have been granted an exclusive part in the greatest story ever told. And without a doubt, to walk away from that part would be to write greatest tragedy ever conceived.”
“The greatest joy is not finding something that we’ve been looking for. The greatest joy is when we’d given up on ever finding it and then it found us.”
“I don’t need to paint a picture of what I want my life to look like. What I need to do is to study the picture that God painted of me so that I can better understand how to live out the splendor of the painting.”
“It’s not that God can’t rescue us. It’s that we choose not to be rescued because we’re too blind to see the necessity of it.”
“I don’t have it within me to do what God does for me. That’s why he’s God and I’m not.”