“I strongly believe that you will arise and contribute your quota to nation building”

“The difference between people, nations can be traced down to what they did with their time”

“We all want more and more time, but when you get it, what do you do with it?”

“There is nothing impossible for you”

“If you could convert your time into anything, you can build the company you have always dream of”

“You can create an invention that the world needs”

“Don’t just be satisfied at going to work, at getting salary and at getting a job”

“Getting job cuts you off from what you could become”

“Getting a job cuts you off because you hardly have time to invest in yourself”

“If your job does not allow you extra time to develop yourself and add value to yourself, then you are cutting yourself off from the possibilities of the future that is waiting for you”

“Getting a job takes your time instead of making you take control of your time”

“There is no goal that you want to attain that you cannot attain”

“There is no target that you place in front of you cannot hit”

“Our future depends on what we do with our time”

“We are product of time spent”