“The only thing that makes you become something is the time you invest in it”

“Anybody can become anything”

“If you can just pay the price of converting the time, you can become anything you want to become”

“Don’t be deceived into believing that somebody is better than you”

“You can buy anything with the currency of time”

“Our future depends on what we do with our time”

“We are product of time spent”

“You become what you spend your time on”

“The equal ground that we all have is time”

“We are all on equal ground”

“The deciding factor is what you do with TIME”

“It is either you are converting, spending or wasting time”

“The most important thing is that God gave each and every one of us time in equal measure”

“Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it”

“There is no difference between people”