“Life indeed is a made up of time”

“It is the voracious conversion of every minute that leads to greatness”

“The only difference between men is conversion”

“True freedom is when you are able to plan every minute”

“True freedom is when you are able to use and know what value you are converting”

“True freedom is when you are using every one of your minute to do and to create precise concrete values”

“Guard your time with all you’ve got”

“Guard your time jealously”

“Guard your life with everything you have”

“Whoever is controlling your time, whenever that time is going, whoever is taking decisions on that time is the one controlling your life”

“If you are constantly running after problems or worries, then you are mortgaging your life to worries”

“If your job is in control of your time, it is the job that is the owner of your life”

“Conversion will always birth a product”

“There is great difference between activity and product”

“God is the master of time”