“You can make yourself into any content you want”

“Your purpose in life is not what you decide”

“The more control you have over your time, the more you have to be channeled into whatever you want to become”

“Stand up tall, stand a stand and decide that you as an individual and a citizen of Nigeria will bring about the jaw-dropping change that you desire for the nation”

“There is no drawing against “tomorrow”, you must live in the presence on today’s deposit”

“If you put 3 million people on the streets of Lagos out there working at night, you will need to power them and that will provide light. There will not be enough darkness for thieves to think they can operate”

“I don’t think there is anyone no matter how British or red your passport is, that doesn’t feel the sting of what is happening to your green heritage – NIGERIA”

“There is no direct correlation between national and business development”

“If a nation is progressing, the nation will prosper”

“I challenge you my friend to discover the treasure you are freely given each day”

“Find the best in that sphere, copy the best and improve on the best”

“If you can’t the sun, be a star”

“It is not by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are”

“Make the most of every minute that comes”