“Whoever is controlling your time, whenever that time is going, whoever is taking decisions on that time is the one controlling your life”

“If your time is under the control of your phone, your boss, parents, family, friends or job, that is what owns your life”

“True freedom is when you fight for every minute of your day”

“The real you is your time”

“Your purpose in life was decided by God before you were born”

“Discover your purpose by asking God”

“Money is only a means of exchange”

“The quickest way to greatness and promotion is problem-solving”

“The potential for problem solving lies in your purpose”

“You have been designed to solve a particular problem in this world”

“You must identify the area of need and define your purpose”

“The only difference between people is the value attached to their time”

“Learn how and when to say “No” to people”

“Wasting your time is wasting you”

“Time does not discriminate”