All Quotes By Tag: Human
“It is the conversion of time that turns raw talents into world acclaimed celebrities”
“It is the conversion of time that divides people into class”
“Conversion of time creates disparities between developed and underdeveloped countries in the world”
“The more time you invest, the better you become at that thing”
“The difference between people is what they do with their time”
“Time is the greatest wealth all humans have been endowed with by God”
“Everything in existence comes from time”
“African time is a major cancer eating up our economy today”
“The difference between excellence and mediocrity is time conversion”
“African time is the tendency to have a relaxed attitude to time”
“Most of the developed countries in the world are countries that value their time”
“Geniuses are not born, they are made”
“Geniuses are products of time conversion”
“If you must work, go to work early”
“No one is better than you”