All Quotes By Tag: Inspiration
“May the clouds give your shapes inspiration.”
“You’ve got to have dreams.If you don’t continue tohave dreams, then you’reonly defeating yourself. Ifyou continue to follow your dreams, you’re going to succeed.”
“There is not enough time in life to be worrying about about there being enough time”
“I think a lot of this kind of work goes on at other (to say lower, deeper, or higher introduces a false gradation) levels, when one is saying how-do-you-do, or even ‘sleeping’.”
“Mediocrity is not in the means but keeping a profile that negates healthy thinking.”
“Присвячую українським дівчатам сю працю про велику українку, що блистіла умом і веселістю, безоглядністю й милосердям, кров’ю і перлами. Присвячую на те, щоб вони навіть у найтяжчих хвилях свого народу і своїх не тратили бодрості духу і були підпорою своїх мужів і синів та діяльними одиницями свого народу,— передовсім опанувавши якусь працю і полюбивши її. Тільки таким способом можна доконати діла. Але воно, хоч доконане, не приносить добра, коли людина тратить у душі своїй вічний ідеал Божий і ломить постанови його.”
“Моето име е Балкан, нейното – Европа.”
“Im loved for my ambition but hated for my success.”
“We are FREE, not bound like a Tree. We can Move, we can Dance… We can take a Chance!”
“Think big. That’s what making rain is all about.”
“Everyone from firefighters to sushi chefs who are experts in their fields can enter the mainstream conversation taking place on myriad media channels to voice their opinion’s and talk about their expertise.”
“All my life, I kept waiting for things to get better. For the bright promise of mañana. But a funny thing happened while I was waiting for the world to change, Chabele: It didn’t. Because I didn’t change it.”
“I was always taught them when you’re lucky enough to learn something or have some advantage you should share it.”
“Choosing a narrow brand message gets you in the door.”
“Crafting a brain requires reflection strategic thinking and self-awareness.”