“It is from this beautiful, feral place that we are able to respond to the breath of inspiration that summons us to the fullness of our creativity. Full, because we are cognizant that we are not a lone pair of hands or a single voice, that we do not create in isolation but bring our gift, the art of our lives, to one another, to the earth. We each touch the seven starlings closest to us in our own murmuration, and the ripple spreads faster than we could have imagined..”

“Despite it all, there were heroes who rose above their circumstances. Those who reached out to people of another race with compassion and even love.”

“I suppose you could say these images present a glimpse of the world around me during the last 5 years as well as moments in time for the creatures and nature sharing the same space as me.”

“My imagination keeps keeps me from actually doing anything stupid.”

“I am done wearing clothes to make other people feel comfortable at the expense of my womanhood.”

“The first story I have to tell is not exactly true, but it isn’t exactly false, either.”

“It is from this beautiful, feral place that we are able to respond to the breath of inspiration that summons us to the fullness of our creativity. Full, because we are cognizant that we are not a lone pair of hands or a single voice, that we do not create in isolation but bring our gift, the art of our lives, to one another, to the earth. We each touch the seven starlings closest to us in our own mumuration, and the ripple spreads faster than we could have imagined. .”

“The mind speaks louder than the voice.”

“Be still. Be silent. Be soulfully present. In love. With love. As love.”

“When you surrender, when you let go, when you Just Be, you are granted the best seats in the theatre of Life. From here, you watch the drama unfold. But you are not in it. You are not ofit. You Just Are.”

“Look for the light as it’s hard to see in the dark.”

“Nature is our greatest teacher, of surrender, of allowing, of simply being. Every blade of grass, every flower, every tree remembers. This moment. This present. This is where life is.”

“Things will always become harder if you work less.”

“Where you go when you travel is as important as where you are in your life when you do.”

“I think a lot of this kind of work goes on at other (to say lower, deeper, or higher introduces a false gradation) levels, when one is saying how-do-you-do, or even ‘sleeping’.”