All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“Ez ád legnagyobb ingert a szenvedélyeknek; e csalogató csáb, mely éppen a cél előtt állít meg, mint a tenger fenekén látszó virágok, mikről azt hiszi az ember, hogy kezével elérheti , s csak ha utánok nyúl, tapasztalja, minő mélyen vannak.”
“Régi eszme, hogy az emberi szívben a jó és a rossz indulat egy bőlcsőben alszik. Amelyiket ápolják, az nő meg, és elhagyja testvérét, a nevelés tudománya megtöri a kraneológok (koponyatannal foglalkozó) tanait.”
“you can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.”
“Having a title does not make you entitled.”
“Men die several times in life. The time to lose the first lover. After getting married, it is time to lose his wife in old age.”
“Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination.”
“Faith intertwines and amalgamates Optimism with Luck!”
“When darkness tries to bury you, remind it you are made of stars.”
“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
“You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequence of your choice.”
“Light doesn’t need feet to find its way around the universe.”
“You had something special planned by and for your own soul when you arrived on this earth as the name you wear today. Trust in the Universe. Be open, welcoming, and receptive. Have confidence in yourself. Know that you have the experience to deal with whatever comes your way. Remember, this is your life and you are here to shine.”
“Dying to be deepYou ain’t shit if you can’t get the pictureIs like my mind ina owe kings(hawkings) iki travel to infinityHeart full of darkness nikama nafanya apocalyptic dance”
“Life is like a race ,Morning to evening just we run,And there is two stop and 3 big station,1 stop home 2 stop office 3 stop its destination 4 stop we want to live more life but its not possible and then full stop of life,”
“Success is something you attract not pursue!”