“Just because you are doing a lot more doesn’t mean you are getting a lot done. Don’t confuse movement with progress!”

“Sometimes; no matter whatever you do, you can’t change the course of events. You’ve got to face it like a man”

“Dear anxiety, it’s over. We won’t being seeing much of each other any longer. I now know that I’m here to shine and that the Universe has my back so there’s no room for you in my life. This is about you, not me. Adios.”

“If I advocate any practice, it would be this: Be still and quiet; then listen, listen, listen.”

“When you give everything you’ve got, you get everything you deserve.”

“Creo que si, que has perdido la cabez, estás completamente loco. Pero te diré un secreto: las mejores personas lo están. (Sombrerero).”

“The Help Meet: Genesis 2: 18We have a record number of women running for elective office this year. I think it is so special when women understand their worth and take control of their own destiny. This does not diminish the worth of man; quite the contrary, it makes the winds of change brighter when we embrace fair and just treatment of behavior without partisanship or prejudice for the future of this United States of America. Copyright © Apostle Joe Cephus Bingham Sr., 2018.”

“No se lo que puede llegar, pero sea lo que sea, iré hacia ello riéndome”

“We are all strangers to our hidden potential until we confront problems that reveal our capabilities.”

“Requiere mucha valentía enfrentarse a nuestros enemigos, pero requiere mucha más enfrentarse a los amigos”

“Now Can’t Be Never; Never Can’t Be Now”

“I don’t have friends, Just people you may know.”