“Never forget what a person is especially after they’ve shown you.”

“Нічний Київ мені був ніби кава, про яку забув, а коли згадав — вона ще не остигла. Київ був — як музика. Київ плавився від власної чарівності.”

“You must ask for God’s help. After each failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself up and try again.”

“Today is a blank canvasEven with a to-do listEven with stuff That Must Be DoneThe energy behind them, is as you decide it to beIt’s really as simple as thatYou can paint this canvas with worriesYou can paint it with habitual or reactive responsesORYou, as a Master Creator, can decideRight here, right nowIn THIS very momentWhat are you going to paint this and the next moment with?Peace? Presence? Space? Awareness? Hope?Commitment? Purpose? Flow? Smiles? Love?Decide.”

“The journey, be it mind, body, or spirit, begins when you decide to submit to the one power that is greater than yourself.”

“Do or do not. There is no try”

“Lead a life of wonder and not wondering”

“Your real importance can’t be measured by the normal things that many others achieved in their lives like diplomas, job , money… but by the things they cannot , all the impossible dreams and hard getting goals which often called “the crazy thoughts” can create the true meaning of your importance , insanity always lead to miracles.”

“Sin un solo crucifijo, hostia o Biblia. Sin recurrir a la representación de un clérigo o una Iglesia. Las pinturas de Clara irradiaban una fe privada y sutil. En el único destello de un ojo. En unas manos ancianas sosteniendo las de otra anciana. Para salvarle la vida. Clara pintaba vida. Una vida valiosa. Mientras el resto del cínico mundo del arte representaba lo peor, Clara plasmaba lo mejor. Hacía años que la marginaban por ello; se burlaban de ella y la habían relegado al ostracismo.—¡Era tu fe! —gritó, y se dejó caer—. Tus creencias, tu esperanza. —Hablaba con la voz estrangulada y ronca, sin apenas respirar—. Era mucho peor que tus cuadros. Yo quería poder pintar como tú, pero sólo porque eso significaría que vería el mundo del mismo modo. Dios mío, Clara, lo único que te he envidiado es la fe que tienes.”

“I am a compost heap, and everything I interact with, every experience I’ve had, gets shoveled onto the heap where it eventually mulches down, is digested and excreted by worms, and rots. It’s from that rich, dark humus, the combination of what you encountered, what you know and what you’ve forgotten, that ideas start to grow.”

“True beauty is justified by the inside of the woman – not her looks on the outside! – (G Swiss)”

“But hoping is how the impossible can be possible after all”

“Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you are actually living.”