“Sometimes the worst-tasting crap is the best for you.”

“And that’s what we’ll do every day. If you or your friends spray-paint obscenities on our walls, we’ll scrub them off, and the people will come. if you break our windows, we’ll fix them, and the people will come. If you hurt us, we’ll wash off the blood, slap on some bandages and the people will come…any wound you inflict, we’ll stitch up. We’re not going to stop, no matter what you do. This work is too important. Too many lives are at stake.”

“When I was a kid I loved wall paper it added a lot of fiber to my paint chips.”

“В разрошената коса, размазаният грим, раздърпаният чорапогащник и смешните оправдания винаги е имало нещо загадъчно.”

“Your mama coming back. Just cause you cant sees a person aint mean nothing. They still there. You worry you never gonna find your mama but she gonna come to you. Close your eyes. I bets you see her good.”

“Adrien Bach, main character from The Maker:You know, when you’re a kid, you think you’re going to grow up to be something special, do something important. You’re not going to be a regular Joe like everybody else. But then you get out there and life starts to hit you. It hits you so many times, eventually you just can’t get up anymore. Or won’t. And then you just don’t know. Those dreams seem to fade away, and suddenly you’re not sure who you are anymore.”

“انت لا تعلم شيء لا تعلم شيء على الاطلاق ..أنا لا اعلم شيء لا اعلم شيء على الاطلاق نحن نحيا بعالم المجاهيل ذلك ..نتبع القواعد أحيانا وأحيانا نجري فقط لنكتشف نهاية اللعبهاحيانا نصل للنهايه فندم على كمية الاشياء التي اغفلناها والتي كانت ستحقق لنا رصيد اضافي بتلك اللعبه وأحيانا نرضي بنعمة المعرفه ذاتها نتمسك بقراراتنا ونقبل على تحسين بالمستوي التالي ولكن احيانا نصطدم بتلك الكلمه السخيفه”GAME OVER”والتي تضمن لنا نهاية مفتوحه وبئر من الاسئله نقع به لترتطم رؤوسنا بالقاع فنهلوس قليلا!!ثم نعي حقيقة أنا لا نعلم شيء ..لا نعلم شيء على الاطلاق”

“Lyra learns to her great cost that fantasy isn’t enough. She has been lying all her life, telling stories to people, making up fantasies, and suddenly she comes to a point where that’s not enough. All she can do is tell the truth. She tells the truth about her childhood, about the experiences she had in Oxford, and that is what saves her. True experience, not fantasy – reality, not lies – is what saves us in the end.”

“I can’t see that Danish episode as an adventure, or a crisis survived, or a serious quest for anything definable. It was just another happening like today’s luncheon, something I got into and got out of. And it reminds me too much of how little life changes: how, without dramatic events or high resolves, without tragedy, without even pathos, a reasonably endowed, reasonably well-intentioned man can walk through the world’s great kitchen from end to end and arrive at the back door hungry.”

“Love is all that awaits you.”

“Life is a miracle. We, all of us are creator beings. We are the joyful choice makers.”

“Quien planta un árbol tampoco sabe si acabará ahorcándose en él”

“The only way to set yourself free is to meet each new challenge relatively.”

“So many wish for magic so many beg for fame, but if you could manifest anything you want life would be a boring game.”

“God forgive me for what I’ve done. God forgive me for what I will do, and forgive me for what I can’t do because my religion won’t let me.”