All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“Life does not accommodate you; it shatters you. Every seed destroys its container, or else there would be no fruition.”
“People are less quick to applaud you as you grow older. Life starts out with everyone clapping when you take a poo and goes downhill from there.”
“You always lose a lot of money chasing after women, but you will never lose a lot of women chasing after money”
“In as much time as it takes to smoke a cigarette, a person’s life was changed forever.”
“Satu hal yang kupelajari, terkadang kita sering ketakutan duluan utk hal-hal yang sebenarnya tak pelu ditakuti.”
“one is good but ten is better. together is a powerful, beautiful, and peaceful.”
“Get used to it. Life doesn’t give, it takes. Anything worth having is worth fighting for.”
“I wish the army had taught us how to navigate feelings as easily as they did a starless night sky.”
“Leggendo non cerchiamo idee nuove, ma pensieri già da noi pensati, che acquistano sulla pagina un suggello di conferma. Ci colpiscono degli altri le parole che risuonano in una zona già nostra – che già viviamo – e facendola vibrare ci permettono di cogliere nuovi spunti dentro di noi.”
“Your mistake is that you’ve concluded life is short, so you treat it as if it’s precious, like a pretty little princess. Bullshit! Everyone’s life is short. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Fuck it. Treat it like a cheap hooker. Ask crazy shit from it, and you’ll get more out of life than you could have ever wanted, imagined, or deserved.”
“And what went wrong when other alchemists tried to make gold and were unable to do so?””They were looking only for gold his companion answered. They were seeking the treasure of their personal legend, without wanting actually to live out the personal legend.”
“Once when I was a little child of six or so, I watched a spider spinning its web in a corner of the house. Before the spider had even finished its job, a mosquito flew right into the web and was trapped there. The spider didn’t pay it any attention at first, but went on with what it was doing; only when it was finished did it creep over on its pointy toes and sting that poor mosquito to death. As I sat there on that wooden floor and watched Hatsumomo come reaching for me with her delicate fingers, I knew I was trapped in a web she had spun for me.”
“La vita. Comincia e ricomincia, un’infinità di volte. Un inizio dopo l’altro, finchè non arriva la fine. A volte lo sappiamo, a volte no, ma la vita ricomicia in ogni istante”
“That’s the thing I’m learning about being thrown out on yer own. Nobody does nothing for you. If you don’t change it, it don’t get changed.”
“Let me tell you: the only way to get rid of dragons is to have one of your own.”