“Whenever you meet someone or walk into a room or consider taking on a new project, it is Who-You-Think-You-Are who walks into the room, who introduces himself, and who considers the new project. Who-You-Think-You-Are determines how you stand, whether you hold yourself proudly erect or whether you slouch.”

“…if you know yourself to be honorable, strong, brave, fair-minded, generous, clear-headed, or articulate, or to have any number of other good characteristics, that is the image you will project, and that image forms the basis for the decisions you make.”

“If you pretend abundance when in fact you are in need, those who would aid you will not because they will either believe you to be abundant or recognize your pretense and consider you to be unworthy.”

“Learn to see yourself as a pleasant person, courteous and respectful, and learn to do those things that a courteous and respectful person would do.”

“When anything happens to you that seems unfortunate, even if it is hurtful or takes something precious from you, see it as a beneficial occurrence.”

“To receive the most benefit from all events, even difficult ones, first realize that the obstacles are there completely for your benefit. Remember that even the worst thing that can happen to you will be of great benefit. Second, know that the obstacles are most often there are signposts telling you that you are slightly or greatly off course. Third, understand that the obstacle is a workout situation designed to strengthen certain areas within you that need strengthening. A workout situation is a problem or difficulty you are experiencing in your life. By solving the problem you are experiencing in your life. By solving the problem, you will gain strength, awareness, and capability.”

“Keep aware of who and what you are as you become involved in the affairs of the world. Don’t forget that you are an indestructible child of a golden Universe.”

“At the heart of living life according to the wisdom of the I Ching is the knowledge that the Universe is alive and aware- aware of itself and aware of you. It may seem strange at first to communicate aloud or silently with All-That-Is, with the Universe itself, but as you become more and more aware that you are being heard, that there is communication going on in both directions, you will come to cherish the gift.”

“The major difference between human and other life forms on our planet is our ability to reason and to question. For just a moment, try to deliberately free your mind from what you have been told about religion, evolution, birth, death, God, and other concepts you have about why you’re here on earth.”

“All religions believe that a Deity, a God, a Supreme Being, by whatever name they choose to call “It,” existed at the beginning of creation.”

“If you were to peer into the heart of a stone at the atomic level, you would not see a dead, inert mass of material but a furiously whirling mini-cosmos. This mini-cosmos would look much like what you see when you look into the night sky, but its bits and pieces would be whirling at speeds near that of light.”

“Being who you are is a pure religious experience. If you can stay with that experience, just being a part of All-That-Is, that’s enough. Instead, we go searching chasing after masters because most of us want more than just being ourselves.”

“The path that one person follows is not the correct path for any other person. You must follow your own path. that is the way.”

“By consciously seeking enlightenment, you will progress quickly, receiving the rewards of ever-greater enjoyment, peace, success, good fortune, and well-being.”