All Quotes By Tag: Life-quotes
“Don’t cut out the eyes of those you want to guide out of the dark.”
“Communication is probably the single most important aspect of creating an enduring relationship. To be able to communicate freely and productively, you must create a condition where the communication can freely take place, a safe atmosphere for you and your partner.”
“Relationships require complete integrity. The first time you lie or are untrue to your partner, you condemn yourself and your partner to a second-class relationship. First-class relationships are possible only in an atmosphere of total trust.”
“Certain people uplift you; others pull you down. Certain people give you strength; others sap your energy. Choose carefully. Good friends, like neighbors, are an endless benefit, a treasure. Bad relationships and bad friends can ruin a lifetime. Following the path of the superior person permits a natural section that will find you only with the best-quality friends.”
“Each person reveals himself by what he says and does, by the way he dresses, by the way he responds to events, by what he reads and watches, and generally by the way he lives life. By observing anyone, you can see what that person is like.”
“You can run from the world, but you cannot hide from the universe.”
“You are no greater than your actions to those who don’t matter.”
“The aim of my life is not to touch the sky but to test my limit.”
“Faith does not operate on ultimatums of providing pre-markers to convince you to be courageous on pursuing something; all you have are choices, and its up to you to choose where to invest your faith.”
“Your mind is your utmost freedom. Handled correctly, fed properly and cared for lovingly, you will cultivate that freedom. The mind will expand, see more clearly, love more sincerely and know more acutely and wisely.”
“It is your right to like some people, but your duty to love all people.”
“Blessings often come in disguise to throw off those who would steal them from you.”
“You live for those you carry in your heart, but would only die for those you carry in your soul.”
“The depths to which you descend point to the heights to which you will rise.”