All Quotes By Tag: Lifelessons
“I understood the life around me better, not from love, which everybody acknowledges to be a great teacher, but from estrangement, to which nobody has attributed the power of reinforcing insight”
“Being kind to the unkind is a higher art of kindness”
“What you can do earning thousands of crores when you have given no best time to your people. Live the moment with your people.”
“Don’t worry about anything. If something is meant for you it will come to you somehow. There is nothing to worry about, just give some time. If it’s not meant for you, it will never come to you. Your worry never makes a sense there. But your willpower is something that let the things fall for you. -Giridhar Alwar”
“What you can do earning thousands of crores when you have given no best time to your people. Live the moment with your people. -Giridhar Alwar”
“Don’t worry about anything. If something is meant for you it will come to you somehow. There is nothing to worry about, just give some time. If it’s not meant for you, it will never come to you. Your worry never makes a sense there. But your willpower is something that let the things fall for you.”