“Stop thinking—about what you are going to say next while someone else is still speaking. Notice your breath. Hear them out, open your mind, and listen.”

“Do a mindful check-in at work—Take a brief moment to mindfully experience the workplace from your usual spot. Mentally scan in all directions around you.”

“Do a mindful check-in during your meals—Notice the fragrances, the sounds, and the thoughts arising in your mind.”

“Mindful observation holds the same mindful awareness as open awareness, but with open eyes gently directing attention to a specific object.”

“There is a silent act of will at play when we observe the impulse to allow our eyes to wander, then gently override it. This develops the mental fortitude and willpower to stick to whatever it is that we are focusing on or working with.”

“By practicing mindful observation, you will become more aware of the virtues and qualities of what you are observing—a simple but useful spoon or a beautiful flower—which unlocks appreciation and gratitude for what you have. Cultivating a sense of gratitude in itself has been scientifically proven to have numerous health benefits.”

“Do a mindful check-in at the market—When visiting one of the places you usually do your shopping, take a moment to notice the temperature, the smells, the music, and the conversations happening in the background.”

“Anywhere you find yourself, do a mindful check-in—Whenever appropriate, take a moment to close your eyes and listen in all directions around you. Be present with wherever you are, whenever you are actually there. Take it all in!”

“But don’t chase these mystical experiencesor feelings of light.They are meant to be rungs on a ladder.And like most things they will change. They will disappear.They aren’t meant to stay.They are meant to be teachers.They show us what is possible,and give us hope thatwe can find our way home.”

“You will go,and you will forget.We all do.It’s part of our way.To be thoughtless.To simply pass through beauty,and leave it behind.

“Well here we are.You wouldn’t believewhat I’ve been through.It was like trying to wear shoes that didn’t fit.But I found you.You should have seen megoing from face to facelooking into each set of eyeswaiting for you to stare back at me.

“The greatness of Americadoes not lie in its ability to kill.But rather in the heartsand mindsof its citizens.It lies in the brilliant ideasand ingenuity of the average man and woman.It lies within the ideasthat feed familiesand opens doors for strangers.The greatness of America will never stand on the backsof those who are brokenand hunched over.The greatness of America is found in the warm hugof those who will neverbe willing to let others starveand die alone.Do not worry about your history.Let go of your cultural identity.It’s spotty at best.Concern yourself with today.The willingness to shareis the greatness of America.It will never lie in thegreen hands that strangle single mothers and desperate fathers.Your wealth will not define this country.America will be definedby love.”