All Quotes By Tag: Motivational-quotes-for-women
“You need courage to face the storm, not the sunshine.”
“Before you hate pressure, remind yourself that is where diamonds are made.”
“In a woman’s life, education and fashion should be the highest in quality, rest of the things go handy.”
“It doesn’t matter how far down you fall as long as you can still look up and see the stars.”
“When you wake up remind yourself:This is my day.The is my hour.This is my moment.This is my time!”
“God hands the sky a storm and the sky hands God back a rainbow. Be likewise.”
“When seeds want to rise they drop everything that is weighing them down.”
“If acorns were afraid of the dark, there would be no oak trees.”
“It is not possible to drown that which was born to live in water.”
“A burning candle has nowhere to hide in the dark.”
“Dirt is a seed’s palace.”
“When you run from trials you are running from blessings too.”
“A diamond owes its existence to pressure.”
“If you try to bury a star in the dark, it will wink at you with its light.”
“It is pressure, not pleasure, that births diamonds.”