“You would not want to be responsible for someone else’s happiness, so please do not hold someone else responsible for yours!”


“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”

“You are a strong person. You love hard, forgive a lot you try again and let go. You will persevere thru everything life has thrown at you. Live is full of happiness and tears; be strong and have faith.”

“You better celebrate yourself and your accomplishments! Go ahead… Get your celebration on! They didn’t believe in you, they didn’t support you, they talked behind your back, and they were secretly waiting for you to fail. Words of Wisdom: Don’t hold any resentments towards them! Appreciate YOUR success. Keep learning new things and bettering yourself, keep a positive mindset, and focus on YOU. Accept it… Your success is far from over! Build an empire. Achieve greatness. Leave a legacy. Can’t you see it?”

“Unless you pay the price for success you will not know its worth.”

“No man becomes rich until he discovers the treasure he holds within.”

“The enormity of your problems is nothing compared with your ability to solve them. By over estimating the problem you under estimate yourself.”

“You can blind yourself so you can’t see with your eyes the Things you don’t want to see. You can’t close your heart to not feel the things you don’t want to feel with your heart.”

“Do not wait for inspiration to find you You must pick yourself up and go and find it.”

“The strongest foundation for success is laid by the merit of your actions nothing in the world can shake it.”

“I walk slowly but never backwards.”

“Denying yourself a life of personal freedom is denying yourself of a life worth living.”

“When you are like the tree, there is oneness with the Earth, Sun and Moon, but still steadfast in your purpose.”

“What you believe you can receive if you doubt it you will do without it.”