“To lovers out there…Be careful of those friends who help you to cheat better ,rather than helping you to love better. Those are not friends to keep.”

“Hate makes someone who stays in a big mention to stalk someone who stays in a shack, because people who hate don’t see what they have and don’t appreciate what they have.”

“It is empowering to think in terms of divine order. We are all loved children of this infinite and beautiful Universe. There is a raison d’etre for where we are and why we manage to endure. Looking for the lesson in something dark is a powerful way of not becoming absorbed by it.”

“There is no standard in creativity , but there are guidelines. Never limit yourself. Go wild and create what you see and feel is right. I believe there is no wrong art as long it comes from within. Those who object what you created don’t understand your art. It doesn’t mean your creativity is wrong. Sometimes it takes times for people to understand and to adopt to something new. Don’t doubt yourself or give up, because of negative comments on your craft.”

“To lovers out there…Love yourself before you love someone else.There is nothing more hard in life than loving someone who doesn’t love themselves. Self love is important before any love.”

“Choose to consume technology ,but don’t be consumed by it. Most of us technology have already turned us into robots .We have no signs of being humans. We are heartless, We have no feelings, no shame, no remorse, no beliefs, no respect, no guilty conscious, no life, no sympathy, no care, no time , no morals, no culture, no religion , no faith. We don’t value others people. We cyber bully others and do disguising inhuman things for trends. Pride ourselves in destroying others lives, careers, education, relationship, marriage, future. The things we do for retweets, likes and comments are shocking. Choose to be a better human being than being a Bot.”

“Between natural ability and education choose natural ability, as it will keep you happy and will fetch you the glory sooner.”

“Your youth is certainly finished and old age has definitely arrived if you feel that you are losing enthusiasm, excitement and energy towards your dreams and goals.”