“A timid act may be more boldthan one would first assume,For whispered truth is braver,than to silently resume.”

“How long your closet held a whiff of you,Long after hangers hung austere and bare.I would walk in and suddenly the trueSharp sweet sweat scent controlled the airAnd life was in that small still living breath.Where are you? since so much of you is here,Your unique odour quite ignoring death.My hands reach out to touch, to hold what’s dearAnd vital in my longing empty arms.But other clothes fill up the space, your space,And scent on scent send out strange false alarms.Not of your odour there is not a trace.But something unexpected still breaks throughThe goneness to the presentness of you.”

“To me, fair friend, you never can be old,For as you were when first your eye I ey’d, Such seems your beauty still.”

“Of the many forms that silence takes, the most memorable is the dry husk of the cicada.”

“To be loved is all I need, And whom I love, I love indeed.”

“நின்னை சரணடைந்தேன், கண்ணம்மாநின்னை சரணடைந்தேன்பொன்னை, உயர்வை, புகழை விரும்பிடும்என்னை கவலைகள் தின்ன தகாதென..நின்னை சரணடைந்தேன், கண்ணம்மாநின்னை சரணடைந்தேன்மிடிமையும் அச்சமும் மேவி என் நெஞ்சில்குடிமை புகுந்தன, கொன்று அவை போக்கினதன்செய லெண்ணித் தவிப்பது தீர்ந்திங்குநின்செயல் செய்து நிறைவு பெறும்வண்ணம்நின்னை சரணடைந்தேன், கண்ணம்மாநின்னை சரணடைந்தேன்நின்னை சரணடைந்தேன், கண்ணம்மாநின்னை சரணடைந்தேன்துன்பம் இனி இல்லை, சோர்வில்லைசோர்வில்லை, தோற்பில்லைநல்லது தீயது நாமறியோம்நாமறியோம் நாமறியோம்அன்பு நெறியில் அறங்கள் வளர்த்திடநல்லது நாட்டுக! தீமையை ஓட்டுகநின்னை சரணடைந்தேன், கண்ணம்மாநின்னை சரணடைந்தேன்”

“She was a Phantom of delightWhen first she gleam’d upon my sight;A lovely Apparition, sentTo be a moment’s ornament:Her eyes as stars of twilight fair;Like twilight’s, too, her dusky hair;But all things else about her drawnFrom May-time and the cheerful dawn;A dancing shape, an image gay,To haunt, to startle, and waylay.”

“Lovefor usis no paradise of arbors —to uslove tells us, humming,that the stalled motorof the hearthas started to workagain.”

“Each month is gay,Each season nice,When eatingChicken soupWith rice”

“I have no doubt at all the Devil grins,As seas of ink I spatter. Ye gods, forgive my “literary” sins –The other kind don’t matter.”

“JapanToday I pass the time readinga favorite haiku,saying the few words over and over.It feels like eatingthe same small, perfect grapeagain and again.I walk through the house reciting itand leave its letters fallingthrough the air of every room.I stand by the big silence of the piano and say it.I say it in front of a painting of the sea.I tap out its rhythm on an empty shelf.I listen to myself saying it,then I say it without listening,then I hear it without saying it.And when the dog looks up at me,I kneel down on the floorand whisper it into each of his long white ears.It’s the one about the one-tontemple bellwith the moth sleeping on its surface,and every time I say it, I feel the excruciatingpressure of the mothon the surface of the iron bell.When I say it at the window,the bell is the worldand I am the moth resting there.When I say it into the mirror,I am the heavy belland the moth is life with its papery wings.And later, when I say it to you in the dark,you are the bell,and I am the tongue of the bell, ringing you,and the moth has flownfrom its lineand moves like a hinge in the air above our bed.”

“It is not our job to remain whole.We came to lose our leavesLike the trees, and be born again,Drawing up from the great roots.”

“she thought it was the misfortune of poetry, to be seldom safely enjoyed by those who enjoyed it completely; and that the strong feelings which alone could estimate it truly, were the very feelings which ought to taste it but sparingly.”

“Love, our subject:we’ve trained it like ivy to our walls.”

“There Will Be StarsThere will be stars over the place forever;Though the house we loved and the street we loved are lost,Every time the earth circles her orbitOn the night the autumn equinox is crossed,Two stars we knew, poised on the peak of midnightWill reach their zenith; stillness will be deep;There will be stars over the place forever,There will be stars forever, while we sleep.”