“Conception takes place when a man gets together with his creator in solitude.”

“The power of imagination is strongest in the place of solitude.”

“Solitude is a way of overcoming distraction so that you can convert your time into something of worth.”

“When you are able to overcome distractions, then you will be able to do something more specific, something more precise and definite with the time that you have.”

“Nothing could be given birth to without solitude.”

“You can really never give birth to anything in this world without solitude.”

“Solitude is the measure through which you could concentrate on using your time.”

“One of the greatest discoveries you could actually discover in life is the treasure of solitude.”

“In a world as noisy as ours, only those who can isolate themselves will be able to think better and meditate better and hence have a higher chance of receiving innovative ideas and concepts.”

“Solitude is a wonderful treasure the world is still yet to discover.”

“Invest maximum amount of time into refining your gift and become best at what you were called to do and you will be surprised how easily and quickly you will rise to the top.”

“If you will invest the maximum amount of time in hard work, polishing and building your own land of promise, you will become great in life.”