“Abundance comes into reality when you realize you were never without.”

“Everything you purchase is an investment to your quality of life.”

“You are always closer to your goals than you realize .”

“Go ahead and inspire your day!”

“It is better to try than to do nothing.”

“The determination to succeed is the antidote to the fear of failure.”

“Our capacity to disregard and discount viscerally painful experiences is so ingrained that we have come to believe that “moving forward” means not allowing ourselves to be moved at all.”

“It’s impossible to predict how the heart heals or how long it is going to take.”

“Like breaking a leg, a serious injury to the psyche often gets us benched while the regular game of life goes on. It may seem strange that forgiving ourselves for having such perfectly human reactions is harder than forgiving whatever caused them.”

“It may not be elegant but it’s true: There is no place for bullshit in a disaster zone.”

“Breathing is our primary nonverbal language. Sharp, uneven breaths convey a message of stress even though someone might insist she is perfectly all right.”

“Disasters make us aware that the life force within us needs tending daily. This is why we are here.” – Dr. Anne Redelfs”

“Heading into any one-year anniversary, our emotional climate shifts. We enter a new season of the heart.”