“Οι άνθρωποι νομοθετούν για τα άλλα είδη ζωής χωρίς να ρωτούν τα άλλα είδη ζωής αν συμφωνούν με τους νόμους αυτούς.Humans make laws for other life forms and they never ask all the other life forms if they agree.”

“Forcing yourself to move forward after every disappointment, will urge you to move forward no matter how bad your circumstances are.”

“This morning, I woke up different.I accepted that life goes on… I might still love you, I might still miss you, but I’m better off without you. So, I’m closing this chapter of hurt because I deserve to be happy. And the only way I’ll reach that is by letting go of toxic people who don’t want to see me grow. Holding on doesn’t make me strong, but letting go does.”

“You don’t need the worlds love, only those who matter”

“As the early 20th century writer Orison Swett Marden once said, “Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.”


“I can quote a million people but in the end it only comes down to one thing”Faith”

“The most important benefit of making mistakes is Learning.”

“As you get more secure in love, as you give into it, it will stop feeling confusing. I promise. It will give you more confidence than you have ever experienced before.”

“It was night again. The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts.The most obvious part was a hollow, echoing quiet, made by things that were lacking. If there had been a wind it would have sighed through the trees, set the inn’s sign creaking on its hooks, and brushed the silence down the road like trailing autumn leaves. If there had been a crowd, even a handful of men inside the inn, they would have filled the silence with conversation and laughter, the clatter and clamor one expects from a drinking house during the dark hours of night. If there had been music…but no, of course there was no music. In fact there were none of these things, and so the silence remained.Inside the Waystone a pair of men huddled at one corner of the bar. They drank with quiet determination, avoiding serious discussions of troubling news. In doing this they added a small, sullen silence to the larger, hollow one. It made an alloy of sorts, a counterpoint.The third silence was not an easy thing to notice. If you listened for an hour, you might begin to feel it in the wooden floor underfoot and in the rough, splintering barrels behind the bar. It was in the weight of the black stone hearth that held the heat of a long dead fire. It was in the slow back and forth of a white linen cloth rubbing along the grain of the bar. And it was in the hands of the man who stood there, polishing a stretch of mahogany that already gleamed in the lamplight.The man had true-red hair, red as flame. His eyes were dark and distant, and he moved with the subtle certainty that comes from knowing many things.The Waystone was his, just as the third silence was his. This was appropriate, as it was the greatest silence of the three, wrapping the others inside itself. It was deep and wide as autumn’s ending. It was heavy as a great river-smooth stone. It was the patient, cut-flower sound of a man who is waiting to die.”

“Some people believe that being the loudest in the room makes them look strong. It may appear that way to a few uninformed individuals. What they don’t know is the more they talk, the more information they reveal about themselves (directly and indirectly). They become an easy target, and it makes them very vulnerable to attacks. Do not underestimate the power of silence.”

“Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don’t count on harvesting Golden Delicious.”