All Quotes By Tag: Religion
“Your way of life is sinful and wrong,” he said fiercely.Thus says a man who admits to worshipping a God who vilifies pleasure, relegates women to roles that are little more than servants and broodmares, though they are the backbone of your church, and seeks to control his worshippers through guilt and fear.”
“[Saint Anthony] said, in his solitude, he sometimes encountered devils who looked like angels, and other times he found angels who looked like devils. When asked how he could tell the difference, the saint said that you can only tell which is which by the way you feel after the creature has left your company.”
“ليس هذه الاديان الغربية المتنوعة إلا محاولة متجددة لبيان أن الإسلام أفضل وأبقى وأكثر إقناعاً !”
“Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is the belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.”
“The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.”
“Yes I am, I am also a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, and a Jew.”
“One’s own religion is after all a matter between oneself and one’s Maker and no one else’s.”
“Religion is about turning untested belief into unshakable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time.”
“Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about.”
“Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
“The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality of happiness, and by no means a necessity of life.”
“I have a problem with people who take the Constitution loosely and the Bible literally.”
“Religion isn’t the cause of wars, it’s the excuse.”
“If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion.”
“The faith is not the problem, Bernadette. The problem is the faithful.”